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safest dog crate

What makes the VarioCage the safest dog crate?

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safest dog crate

Our intensive crash testing process and our experience with running hundreds of crash tests mean that we design and manufacture the safest dog crates worldwide.  The design and production of MIMSafe dog travel crates is subject to, and based upon, regular and ongoing crash testing to ensure that we are protecting our dog and human customers as much as possible in the event of an accident.

Three types of test

So what are the tests we carry out?  We have three tests that we regularly perform at a certified testing centre.  Firstly, we test the performance of our dog travel crates during a frontal impact to ensure that the cage does not open up in the rebound phase.  Secondly, we have a rear impact test where we compress the crate to test that it doesn’t lock up,  deform and that the doors do not open.  Finally we carry out a drop test to simulate a rolling vehicle.  When a vehicle rolls, there will be a constantly bouncing crate with the dog inside.  This leads to a lot of twisting and puts a lot of pressure on the structure of the crate meaning that the doors could open during the collision.  When a vehicle rolls, the windows will usually break.  Ny dog that is being transported in a crate that is not crash tested would be at risk of the crate door opening, leaving it vulnerable to injury as it falls out of the crate.  If dogs do survive this type of impact, they are frequently afraid and will run away into traffic.  We aim to ensure that these eventualities will never happen with our dog travel crates.  No other dog transportation manufacturer tests to this extent, which is why The VarioCage is known worldwide as the safest dog crate on the market.

Additionally, all our crates have escape doors, so that if a vehicle is hit from behind or is otherwise damaged and the boot door is not operational, which is a common occurrence in an impact, then the dog can be released from the escape door at the front of the crate.

As safe as possible

Our dog travel crates are all manufactured at our headquarters in Sweden.  Sweden has a very long tradition of safety, with a fantastic record of employment health and safety.  We believe that we should build “as safe as possible”, not something that only just pass the crash tests or are slightly better than our competitors.  We ensure that our products are as safe as it is possible to be for everyone in the vehicle, humans and dogs.

Our testing schedule incorporates our own dog travel crates as well as those of our competitors to ensure that we are always aware of the latest technologies and ideas and can incorporate these into our designs if necessary.

THE safest dog crate

This focus on building THE safest dog transportation products means that MIMSafe dog travel crates are not cheap.  We have a lot of small details to incorporate into the designs that make a big difference and there are tolerances that need to be perfect to ensure that the crates absorb energy in the right way.  These features, and the materials used, mean that the price will inevitably be higher.  However, bearing in mind the phrase “you get what you pay for”, it is worthwhile investing in the safety of your family and your pets.

dog travel crate

Our Dog Car Boot Cages – How Do They Protect?

By | MIMSafe Blog

VarioCage Single XL

Our very strong, crash tested and crush proof dog car boot cages are recognised as the safest crates available for dog transportation. This is because they are the only dog crates that are fully crash tested to the same standards as baby and child seats. They fit securely into the boot of your car and are designed to keep your pet safe while also protecting passengers and the driver.

Our crates are built to absorb the energy created in a collision. This ensures that the dog is fully protected in a safe space inside the crate, but also that the crate absorbs energy and is not pushed forward into the rear passenger seat, causing injury to passengers.

Only in the Car Boot

We are often asked why dog car boot cages can not be used elsewhere in the vehicle. We always recommend that the Variocages are only used in the car boot. The back seat in vehicles is built to form a very effective barrier between the luggage compartment and the passengers in the car, protecting them from an impact in the event of an accident. Our primary aim is to keep passengers and their animals safe, so we build our VarioCages to make use of, and work in conjunction with, this barrier.

In an Impact

VarioCages, our dog car boot cages, are fully adjustable in length so the dog will be able to make use of the maximum space available in the luggage area. This also means that the crate can be pushed together, so that when a vehicle is hit from behind, the crate is compressed during the impact. The dog is safe because, in an impact, the animal is already pushed towards the front or back of the crate due to the force of the impact, so the crate compressing slightly will not injure the animal. The dynamics that are created in an accident ensure that this is a safe way of protecting our dogs. We have seen in many real life accidents that our crates compress safely with very little injury to dogs other than bruising. You can see some examples of how our dog cages stand up in the event of an accident in our blog.

Care2 Crate

The only exception is the Care2 crate for very small dogs. These crates are built for very small breeds such as papillons, yorkies, chihuahuas, pomeranians etc, and are designed to be held in place by the car seat belts, in the same way as a baby seat. This keeps them secure in the event of an accident and will not leave passengers vulnerable to injury. Any dog not properly restrained in a vehicle has the potential to become a lethal missile during an impact. A very small dog weighing only 2kg could hit passengers with a force of 260kg during an accident. That’s the same as 40 bowling balls!

Visit our shop to find out more about our dog cages for car boots and our Care2 dog crates.

MIMSafe Ambassador - Jess Coates

Our First MIMSafe Ambassador – Jess Coates

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Jess, aged 30, is a very talented photographer, specialising in capturing the bond between dogs and their people. She lives in Nottingham and has two border collies, Echo and Sol, who she is training to compete in agility. She has been competing in agility for over 12 years, since the age of 18.

MIMSafe Ambassador - Jess Coates

Echo is 21/2 years and is about to start his agility career. Sol is 8 months old and will compete in agility when he is old enough. Both dogs love trick training and this is evident in some of the wonderful photos that Jess has captured of her dogs.

"I wanted to become a MIMSafe Ambassador because I think safe travel is one of the most overlooked aspects of keeping a dog yet it’s so vital for their safety! I’ve always been careful to keep my own dogs safe and I wanted to be part of an organisation that is committed to improving awareness of safe dog travel across the globe."

Jess CoatesMIMSafe Ambassador

Jess has a BSc in Animal Biology and is a registered member of the Guild of Photographers. We’re delighted to welcome her to the MIMSafe team.
You can see more about Jess and her dogs in her two Instagram accounts:


MIMSafe Ambassador Scheme Update

By | MIMSafe Blog

We’re pleased to announce that our MIMSafe Ambassador Program is now up and running and we have some wonderful ambassadors who we will be introducing over the next few weeks.


We’re visiting each and every one to issue their crates, introduce MIMSafe and all our dog transportation safety products and distribute brochures and ensure that they will be able to help anyone who is interested in purchasing a MIMSafe dog safety product.

To summarise, our products include:

  • Variocages for all sizes of dog
  • Care2 crates for small dogs up to 9kg
  • Dog guards
  • Dog tailgate guards
  • Boot dividers that work alongside the tailgate guards
  • Accessories for all of the above products

Our ambassadors are not only in place to help us to promote our dog safety products. They will also help with spreading the word about regulations and guidelines that are in place to protect people travelling with pets.

Did you know...

Did you know, for example, that travelling in the UK without a pet properly restrained can lead to fines of up to £5,000? You could end up with points on your license and your insurance could be invalidated.

Did you know...

Did you know that a small dog weighing only 2kg could hit passengers with a force of 260kg in a collision at 56 mph? That’s the same weight as 40 bowling balls…

In a survey

In a survey we carried out, 90% of respondents worry about what will happen to their dogs in the event of an accident.

If you would like a list of ambassadors in your area then please get in touch and we’ll be able to let you know who is closest to you. You will then be able to see the crates first-hand and discuss in more depth the advantages and peace of mind these crates will bring.

We’d like to thank everyone who applied to be included on the scheme.
We may still have vacancies in the future so please watch this space!

keeping your dog safe while travelling

Twelve Tips For Keeping Your Dog Safe While Travelling

By | Dog Health, MIMSafe Blog

With over 30 years of experience in the functional design and manufacture of safety products for the automotive industry, we are specialists in every aspect of the safe transportation of pets. We focus not only on keeping your dog safe while travelling, but also on the safety of the driver and passengers.

keeping your dog safe while travelling

We build features into many of our pet transportation products that help with keeping your dog safe while travelling, as well as making journeys a more comfortable experience, but however your pets may be travelling, the one thing to always remember is to NEVER leave your dog unattended in a vehicle in hot weather. We would also advise against leaving your dog in your vehicle for extended lengths of time whatever the weather. The rise of dog theft in the UK in recent years has meant that we all need to be more aware of our pet’s safety and in the colder winter months, dogs can get too cold in vehicles when left for even small amounts of time.

Aside from these important safety factors, the following tips will make every journey with your pet easier and even safer:

  1. Always keep a mat or travel bed in your crate to make the journey more comfortable for your dog and to make him feel more secure.

  2. If your dog travels in your boot or cargo area, use a mat or boot liner with a 2 to 3 inch lip to protect carpets and keep spills and other accidents contained.

  3. Take a loading ramp, especially if your dog is injured or old, making it easier for him to get in and out of the vehicle.

  4. Carry a pet-friendly guide book, with tips on hotels, B&B’s, pet-friendly parks, beaches and other exercise areas. You can also look up dog-friendly pubs and restaurants to avoid having to leave your pet in the car unattended.

  5. Collar ID tag. Always ensure that your dog has all the correct, up to date details on their collar ID tag, with a mobile number so that people can reach you if he goes missing while you are away from home.

  6. Carry your pet’s favourite biscuits, treats and toys. Dogs are much likely to come back to you in new places while investigating interesting new smells if they know that they will receive their favourite treat as a reward.

  7. A water bowl and water. There are many types of water bowl available on the market including no-spill version for car travel, collapsible versions when space is an issue or resealable versions to keep water fresh. And don’t forget to carry a full container of water at all times in case you break down or are delayed.

  8. Dog towels – always handy for wet, muddy walks, an unexpected swim or to deal with spillages or accidents. Also, always carry plastic bags & cleaning supplies in case anyone has a stomach upset, rolls in something unpleasant, eats something they shouldn’t or has an “accident”.

  9. Ensure that you always have a photo of your pet with you or on your phone. If your pet gets lost, you will be able to show people who offer to help you search for him.

  10. Leads – this sounds obvious but don’t forget the dog’s leads! Even if you don’t think your pet will be leaving the car, it’s better to be prepared in case of the unexpected!

  11. For extra safety, train your dog not to leap out of the car as soon as you open the door to his crate. Ensure that he gets used to the door being opened and that he waits while you put on his lead. Doing this and rewarding him with his favourite treat before you let him jump out is a good way of training him to stay safe.

  12. Take regular breaks. On long journeys, plan to stop every couple of hours to give your dog some water and allow him to have a bit of exercise and go to the toilet if he needs to do so.

Most importantly, keep everyone in your family, both pets and humans, safe. Invest in their safety by using a fully crash tested, crush-proof pet restraint that, in the event of an accident, will protect everyone. There are no pet transportation standards and many pet restraints are not tested and will not stand up to the forces of an impact.

Dog in hot car

What Can You Do If You See A Dog In A Hot Car?

By | Dog Health

Dogs die in hot cars. Astoundingly, people either don’t know this or do not take appropriate care of their dogs and every year dogs are found in hot vehicles, suffering or worse.

Dog in hot carPeople still believe that it is ok to leave a dog with windows left open or if they are parked in the shade, but the reality is that it’s still very dangerous for the dog. People often expect that they will only be a few minutes but get held up or bump into someone they know and are much longer than they originally planned. When the outside temperature is 22 degrees, the inside of a vehicle can reach 47 degrees within an hour.

People need to be reminded that it is NEVER safe to leave dogs in vehicles in hot weather, whatever the circumstances.

So what can you do if you see a dog in a hot car?

There are two scenarios to be aware of:

1. If the dog is displaying signs of heatstroke

Signs of heatstroke in dogs include:

• Heavy panting
• Excessive drooling
• Lethargy, drowsiness or a lack of coordination
• Collapse
• Vomiting

If the dog is showing any signs of heatstroke call 999 immediately.

If the police are unable to attend straight away and you need to break into the car to release the dog, be aware that this could be classed as criminal damage. You have a lawful excuse to commit damage if you believe that the owner of the vehicle would consent if they knew the reason for doing so.

To ensure that you are protected as much as possible:

1. Tell the police what you intend to do and why.
2. Take pictures or video of the dog
3. Gather names & contact details of witnesses

Once you have removed the dog, the following advice will help him/her to recover:

• Move him/her into the shade
• Douse the dog with cool (not cold) water or use wet towels to cool him/her
• Offer small amounts of water at a time
• Continue to douse the dog with cool water until his/her breathing starts to settle
• Stop if the dog starts to shiver

2. If the dog isn’t showing signs of heatstroke

  • Try and establish how long the dog has been left ( “pay & display” tickets may help)
  • Note the car’s registration
  • If the circumstances allow, ask venue staff to make an announcement asking the owner to return to their vehicle
  • Stay with the dog
  • Call 999 immediately if their condition deteriorates and follow the guidance above

If the owner returns before the dog is distressed but you feel the situation was dangerous for the dog, you can report the incident to the police.

Help keep dogs safe this summer.

(Advice taken from the RSPCA)

Variocage Keeps Dog Safe

MIMSafe Variocage Keeps Dog Safe During Horrific Accident

By | Uncategorised

In August 2017, whilst driving near Horno, Sweden, Tomas, his 17 year old son Jonathan and their large hunting dog Assi, were involved in a terrifying road traffic accident. Despite extensive damage to their car, Tomas, Jonathan and Assi all survived, which Tomas attributes entirely to the MIMSafe Variocage he always uses to transport his dogs.

Tomas describes what happened:
We were driving near our home town of Horno when an elk ran across the road directly in front of the car. There was nothing I could do to avoid it and we ended up hitting the elk, which crashed through the windscreen. The car continued to skid and eventually rolled into the ditch to finally crash against a tree. Then all went quiet…”

Variocage Keeps Dog SafeMy son and I were both alive but we couldn’t hear anything from Assi. I feared the worst and thought that she hadn’t survived. But when we looked round, she was not only alive, but up on her feet and wagging her tail! She had survived completely unharmed. We were so surprised and also extremely relieved. The cage, a MIMSafe Variocage double cage, had done its job.”

Both Tomas and Jonathan suffered serious injuries but thankfully are now both fully recovered although Jonathan has facial scarring from the shattered windscreen.

MIMSafe always advise that once one of our cages has been involved in such a serious accident, they are replaced, even if they appear to be intact.

Tomas said:

“Some time after the accident, I contacted MIMSafe to find out what help I could get after such a serious accident. I was delighted by the incredible service I received. MIMSafe were kind enough to replace the crate for me free of charge, but even if they hadn’t, I would have bought a new Variocage. I will never use another manufacturer’s dog crates, even if they claim to be “crash tested”. They will never be crash tested to the extent that MIMSafe crates are tested, under the same conditions as an actual car accident.”

He added: “Some people complain about the cost of a properly crash tested, crush proof car crate from MIMSafe but if you have been involved in something that I have experienced , you understand that the value of a MIMSafe crate is totally worth the spend. I mean , quality costs. All the research and development that MIMSafe have put in over the years is worth investing in.”

Variocage Keeps Dog SafeToday, Tomas is one of MIMSafe’s Swedish ambassadors. He works as a floor paver but in his spare time he keeps and breeds Plott Hounds. His dog Assi went on to give birth to two litters. The first after the accident consisted of 13 puppies and the second litter there were 11, big litter sizes for this breed.

Tomas added “She will always be special and we are so grateful to MIMSafe for keeping her alive during that dreadful day.”

Travelling with dogs

Drivers May Drive More Carefully When Travelling With Dogs – But Only If Properly Restrained

By | MIMSafe Blog

The many benefits of keeping dogs as companions are well documented, from keeping us fitter and reducing our risk of heart disease to increasing our opportunities for socialisation. But now a recent study has revealed that travelling with dogs may also keep us safer and less stressed while driving.

A survey of 2000 dog-owning driving license holders carried out by car manufacturer Seat found that 54% of people report that they drive more carefully than usual when travelling with dogs in the car.  The survey also found that people reported lower stress levels when driving with their pets, potentially reducing the risk of road rage.

Travelling with pets

Reported by The Times, the survey suggests that the effect is particularly likely to affect younger drivers with over two-thirds of 18 to 24-year-olds driving more carefully when accompanied by their pet whilst motorists in London and the South East are most likely to be positively influenced whilst accompanied by their dogs.

Nigel Griggs, Director of Aftersales at Seat said: “Everyone knows that the British Public is passionate about dogs.  However, this study confirms that having their best friend in the car can contribute to safer driving while also having a positive mental health benefit by reducing stress.  It appears to be a win-win.”   

He went on to add: “Motorists still need to make sure they’re keeping their dogs safe while travelling, finding comfortable and secure in-car pet accessories is as important as using your own seat belt.”

Unfortunately, the survey also found that over one-third of people were not aware of the laws governing travelling with pets whilst a fifth of respondents did not use any type of dog restraint while driving.

Driving without properly restraining your pet not only risks the safety of your dog but also puts other members of your family at risk in the event of a collision.  Drivers travelling without restraining their pets could face fines of up to £5,000 and receive up to nine points on their license for driving without due care and attention.  Travelling with unrestrained pets can also invalidate your insurance.

MIMSafe Variocage dog crates, guards and tailgates are fully crash tested, crush proof and safe.  We have a wide range of options and sizes for different animals and vehicles so there will be an option for everyone.  Invest in the safety of your dogs and your family and check out our pet transportation ranges.



dog car cages

MIMSafe Ambassador Scheme

By | MIMSafe Blog

Grab This Unique Opportunity To Top Up Your Income During Lockdown—And Beyond!

Are you a dog training, grooming or dog day care professional?  A licensed dog breeder or a successful dog sports enthusiast?  Do you already sell dog-related products or manage a boarding kennel?  Are you or your pet well-known social media influencers?

If so, then we have a great opportunity for you!  We’re offering up to 100 people across the UK an exciting yet easy way to top up their income by becoming a MIMSafe ambassador.  We at MIMsafe understand that in this uncertain time we all have to do as best we can to stay safe and well and continue to lead as normal a life as possible. This includes keeping the commercial world going from our homes.

With this in mind, we’d like to offer you a welcome opportunity to do just that by introducing to you a brand new sales method called The Ambassador Scheme.

Are you our ideal MIMSafe ambassador?

We’re looking for:

  • Professionals in different dog-related fields
  • Enthusiasts from a range of dog sports
  • Respected, licensed breeders, members of the KC assured breeder scheme
  • Dog or dog-related social media influencers with a significant following
  • Anyone passionate about improving dog travel safety in the UK

Your commitment

As a MIMSafe ambassador, all you need to do is:

Have one of our world-leading transportation crates fitted into your vehicle free of charge—and recommend it to people you come into contact with.

That’s all.

There’s NO financial outlay of any kind.

There’s NO CHARGE for use of the crate. 

You DON’T have to be a salesperson or a marketing expert.

You just need to understand that in a road traffic accident, a good quality car crate can make the difference between the life and death of your pets and passengers—and believe in the safety, quality, and design of our products. That’s easy, as all our car crates are crush-proof, and crash tested to the same standards as baby and child seats, making them THE safest way to transport your beloved dogs and keep you and your family safe.  MIMSafe crates also have many extra convenient features that will make traveling with your dogs a safer, easier, and more pleasurable experience!

Why a Top Quality Car Crate is Vital—for You and Your Dog

Studies have found that many people in the UK aren’t aware of the importance of properly restraining their pet while traveling—not just to comply with the law (driving with an unrestrained pet in the vehicle is illegal and could invalidate motor insurance policies), but to ensure the safety of not only their dog but themselves and their passengers too.

Most cages and harnesses on the market will only restrain pets, not protect them from an impact.  Dogs that do survive an impact are often thrown from vehicles, either into the path of oncoming traffic, or to run, terrified, from the scene.  And even a small dog weighing only 2kg can hit passengers with a force of up to 260kg in a car collision of 56mph.  That’s the equivalent of 40 bowling balls…

What we offer you, as a MIMSafe Ambassador:

  • A MIMSafe Variocage of your choice to use for promotion, keeping you, your passengers, and your dog(s) safe, completely free of charge, for the first 6 months.
  • The option to buy your crate at a significantly discounted price after 6 months.
  • You will be contributing to both the improved safety of animals in transportation and of humans travelling with them.
  • There are no catches and you will be able to sell a product that is the best in the world.
  • A support team on hand to answer any queries
  • Commission for every item sold—we know that once people have seen one of our crates being used first-hand, they’re very likely to buy one.

Don’t delay! This opportunity is only available for the next couple of months, so if you’re interested in becoming one of our ambassadors, get in touch today!

Email us on [email protected] or call 01256 674547

Care2 Dog Crate Giveaway!!

By | Uncategorised

We recently ran a competition in which we gave away one of our fully crash tested & crush-proof Care2 small dog crates worth over £300.  Perfect for dogs or other pets weighing up to 9kg, these are the only small dog crates that are fully crash tested to the same standards as child seats, meaning that they are THE safest way to transport your pet. The stylish and attractive crates are brand new to the MIMSafe range and can be used as a home from home resting place for your pet when you travel.

As part of the competition, we asked entrants three questions to find out more about how people feel about pet safety while travelling in their vehicle.  You can see the results of this survey in this infographic.

90% of people worry about the safety of their dogs AND their passengers while traveling.  They say you should only worry about things you can’t change and change the things you can!  Have a think about purchasing one of our dog crates then that is one less worry on your list!

In order to enter, we asked entrants to post a picture of their pet travelling in their vehicle, in whatever way they normally travel, along with their name and breed.  All the entries can be seen in the gallery below.

Thank you to everyone who entered and completed our survey!

Small dog crate statistics